For those of you who haven't been following, I started a short series of blogs on a book I'm reading called Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light. It's a compilation of the private letters of Mother Teresa, strung together to tell the story of her life. I'm blogging about the book because, frankly, I forget good stuff a lot. You know that phrase "in one ear and out the other"? I'm pretty sure the person who coined it did so after having a conversation with me.
One thing that really struck me about Mother Teresa is her committment to enjoy the moment that she was in, wherever or whenever it was. When she committed her life to God, she knew that doing what He asked of her would often require suffering. At the point of her calling, before God showed her what she would be doing among the poorest of the poor, she didn't know to what exent that would come true. Yet, she approached the tasks in front of her, even the most mundane, with such a joy, a cheerfulness. Her joy, according to the author, was the result of the "blessedness of submission;" the fruit of giving to Jesus whatever He asked of her.
She said, "When I see someone sad, I always think, she is refusing something to Jesus."
Wow. A few weeks ago in a conversation with my friend Justin, we were speaking about how ridiculously difficult it was to say and MEAN one of the most important phrases I believe we can every pray: I trust Your leadership, Jesus. (You can read his blog about it here.) Thinking about a life lived in complete submission, complete trust of Jesus, challenges me, especially in light of the statement above by Mama T. A life lived submitted to Jesus and His plan for my life means that no matter WHAT happens, good or bad, devastating or encouraging, I know that He called me, He chose me, He's for me, He knows me, He loves me, and will work all things for my good (Romans 8). So why shouldn't I be cheerful, even in the drudgeries of life? Why should I sink into despair or hopelessness?
I've heard preachers say that you can have the joy of the Lord without feeling or looking happy. But if you really have His joy, if you know you're His, if you're confident in His leadership in Your life, why not show it on your face through a smile? Why not let your eyes light up with the knowledge of His goodness? Why look sour, dour, or depressed? Why can't I enjoy and take delight in even the things that I'd rather not do, like washing dishes or mopping the floor? I'm following Jesus. I've followed him to this exact place in my life, this very spot, this very geographical location and position. If I trust His leadership, then I trust that this is where He WANTS me to be. He wants me to wash these dishes! Why can't I delight in doing His will and enjoying where He has me, even in the small things? And for gooodness sakes, why can't I SMILE about it?
"Well this isn't how I thought things would turn out," you say. "If I had more money, more friends, more time, more education, more _______ (fill in the blank) I'd be happier."
You know, I'm not so sure about that. I believe that right where you and I are this very moment, whether penniless, broken, hurt, lonely, unfulfilled, or whatever trial we're experiencing, there is a level of joy that we can experience in even the worst of times. There is a level of content, a level of trust in Jesus that will bring cheerfulness to that situation. Choosing to be cheerful in the face of the mundane, in the face of unfulfilled dreams and disatisfaction is a form of worship. Mother Teresa said:
Cbeerfulness is a sign of a generous and mortified person who forgetting all things, even herself, tries to please God in all she does for souls. Cheerfulness is often a cloak which hides a life of sacrifice, continual union with God, fervor, and generosity. A person who has this gift of cheerfulness very often reaches a great height of perfection. For God loves a cheerful giver...
A challenge for myself this week is to be cheerful and to enjoy each moment I live, no matter the circumstance. I'd love for the Lord to look at me this week, smiling through both the mundane and exciting moments of life, and be blessed by my cheerfulness. And when I'm faced with sadness or despair, I want to ask myself, "What might I be refusing to Jesus, and how can I submit to Him today in a greater way?"
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Lessons From Mama T, Part 1
I was the kid who went to the library, checked out 10-15 novels, and had them all read by the time the two week due date came around. I was the kid who brought books to the park, read them at recess, and actually enjoyed Sustained Silent Reading time in school. But then I discovered a little something we like to call Cable Television. And lo, it was good. And then another little invention exploded called the Internet. And yea, it was also good. Somehow between these two discoveries, and simultaneously being completely burned out from reading countless books for my college degree, my attention span was diminished and I found myself unable to finish a book from cover to cover.
Long story short, of late, I find myself getting stupider. So, in an effort to combat that, and after being inspired by a friend who has an insatiable appetite for reading, I have begun reading again. (This decision was precluded by a decision to turn off the TV for a few days. Honestly, when it comes to choosing between watching The Real Housewives of Anywhere versus reading a book, I will always choose those Housewives. Know thyself.)
The book I've chosen to read is called Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light. It is a narrative of her life, told specifically through her private writings (letters mostly). The reason I chose this book was, first of all, Mother Teresa has always been an interesting individual to me. Second, I know she devoted her life to the service of others, and since I'm taking my church's Love-Serve-Live Challenge (21 days where we devote a week each to Loving God, Serving Others, and Living Big), I felt it would be beneficial for me to study the life of a person who had run the race well, so to speak. Serving Others is probably my weakest area (well, honestly they're all very weak); I struggle especially when it comes to loving people as they are. Most people, in all their inpredictability and imperfection, are hard to love. And I don't like to do hard things.
As I read the book, I am planning on posting some brief blogs about some things that impact me regarding her life. That way, you don't have to read the book to get the "good stuff." So here goes...
Mother Teresa was Albanian of birth. Although she felt the call of God at twelve years of age to be a missionary, it took her six years to make a full decision to become a nun. At 18, she embraced this calling and set sail for India. Her missionary work in Bengal consisted mostly of teaching in a school run by the nuns for children in the area, although the children they served were not the "poorest of the poor" that she would eventually feel led to minister to.
I am uneducated in the ways of Catholicism, so until reading this first chapter, I didn't understand why a woman would want to become a nun, other than she felt called to ministry and this was perhaps the only outlet for women to serve God in a full-time capacity within the Catholic Church. However, I feel more enlightened after reading this chapter as to why Mother Teresa would decide to become a nun. Apparently, the final taking of vows is similar to a marriage ceremony between the woman and Jesus - she vows her life to him, promising poverty, chastity, and obedience. That a woman would feel so in love with Jesus that she would lay down all the comforts of life - wealth, earthly companionship, the possiblity of bearing children, privacy, independence - to follow Him and live for Him is quite beautiful. Mother Teresa referred to herself in letters as "Jesus' little spouse." There's something so sweet and quaint, so unusually bright, about that phrase.
Another thing that gripped me about Mother Teresa's start in ministry is her motivation. A friend and fellow sister wrote to her superior saying:
I think that Jesus loves Sister Teresa very much. We are in the same house. I notice that every day she tries to please Jesus in everything. She is very busy, but she does not spare herself. She is very humble. It cost her dearly to achieve that, but I think that God has chosen her for great things. Admittedly, her deeds are entirely simple, but the perfection with which she does them, is just what Jesus asks of us.
She tried to please Jesus in everything. This thought has challenged me ALL day today, this Easter Sunday. I frequently sacrifice pleasing Jesus in my speech, my thoughts, my selfish actions, the way that I direct my day... I'll often forgo pleasing him for the immediate satisfaction of making someone laugh with sarcastic words or biting comments... Reading this has made me wonder, how much of a priority to me is pleasing Jesus? Maybe if I just simplified my life, paring away all the unnecessaries (ahem, Housewives shows), and started from square one with the question of "Does this please Jesus?" before every action, I might be able to attain a similar communion with God...
Even more interesting is that, before she had a world-renowned ministry, before she fulfilled her calling as a missionary to the poorest of the poor, she had mastered herself. She had a true, tested, purified relationship with Jesus before she had any public ministry. This is not to say that she had attained perfection - reading further about her life testifies against that. Yet her first priority was to please God, and to do everything "for Jesus, and for souls."
I've spent a lot of time asking myself, "Does this please Jesus?" today. I've backtracked a lot, too, after words have been said, attitudes have been displayed, and actions portrayed, thinking, "What I just did definitely did not please Jesus." I'm challenging myself to ask if it would please Jesus BEFORE I do an action or say a word.
This is so simple, yet SO hard. I live a life mostly devoted to pleasing Cassie, not Jesus. Sure, there are shining moments, isolated incidents when Jesus is pleased. But I'm sad to say that mostly, I live for my personal comfort and the conservation of my pride. Yet, this must go if Jesus is to be pleased.
A verse that was read at our Good Friday service is haunting me...
What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ (Phil 3:8)
Everything is rubbish compared to the richness of knowing Jesus, of living with Him daily, of having unbroken fellowship with Him. Everything that's not like Him MUST go. There's no room for anything that doesn't please Him.
Long story short, of late, I find myself getting stupider. So, in an effort to combat that, and after being inspired by a friend who has an insatiable appetite for reading, I have begun reading again. (This decision was precluded by a decision to turn off the TV for a few days. Honestly, when it comes to choosing between watching The Real Housewives of Anywhere versus reading a book, I will always choose those Housewives. Know thyself.)
The book I've chosen to read is called Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light. It is a narrative of her life, told specifically through her private writings (letters mostly). The reason I chose this book was, first of all, Mother Teresa has always been an interesting individual to me. Second, I know she devoted her life to the service of others, and since I'm taking my church's Love-Serve-Live Challenge (21 days where we devote a week each to Loving God, Serving Others, and Living Big), I felt it would be beneficial for me to study the life of a person who had run the race well, so to speak. Serving Others is probably my weakest area (well, honestly they're all very weak); I struggle especially when it comes to loving people as they are. Most people, in all their inpredictability and imperfection, are hard to love. And I don't like to do hard things.
As I read the book, I am planning on posting some brief blogs about some things that impact me regarding her life. That way, you don't have to read the book to get the "good stuff." So here goes...
Mother Teresa was Albanian of birth. Although she felt the call of God at twelve years of age to be a missionary, it took her six years to make a full decision to become a nun. At 18, she embraced this calling and set sail for India. Her missionary work in Bengal consisted mostly of teaching in a school run by the nuns for children in the area, although the children they served were not the "poorest of the poor" that she would eventually feel led to minister to.
I am uneducated in the ways of Catholicism, so until reading this first chapter, I didn't understand why a woman would want to become a nun, other than she felt called to ministry and this was perhaps the only outlet for women to serve God in a full-time capacity within the Catholic Church. However, I feel more enlightened after reading this chapter as to why Mother Teresa would decide to become a nun. Apparently, the final taking of vows is similar to a marriage ceremony between the woman and Jesus - she vows her life to him, promising poverty, chastity, and obedience. That a woman would feel so in love with Jesus that she would lay down all the comforts of life - wealth, earthly companionship, the possiblity of bearing children, privacy, independence - to follow Him and live for Him is quite beautiful. Mother Teresa referred to herself in letters as "Jesus' little spouse." There's something so sweet and quaint, so unusually bright, about that phrase.
Another thing that gripped me about Mother Teresa's start in ministry is her motivation. A friend and fellow sister wrote to her superior saying:
I think that Jesus loves Sister Teresa very much. We are in the same house. I notice that every day she tries to please Jesus in everything. She is very busy, but she does not spare herself. She is very humble. It cost her dearly to achieve that, but I think that God has chosen her for great things. Admittedly, her deeds are entirely simple, but the perfection with which she does them, is just what Jesus asks of us.
She tried to please Jesus in everything. This thought has challenged me ALL day today, this Easter Sunday. I frequently sacrifice pleasing Jesus in my speech, my thoughts, my selfish actions, the way that I direct my day... I'll often forgo pleasing him for the immediate satisfaction of making someone laugh with sarcastic words or biting comments... Reading this has made me wonder, how much of a priority to me is pleasing Jesus? Maybe if I just simplified my life, paring away all the unnecessaries (ahem, Housewives shows), and started from square one with the question of "Does this please Jesus?" before every action, I might be able to attain a similar communion with God...
Even more interesting is that, before she had a world-renowned ministry, before she fulfilled her calling as a missionary to the poorest of the poor, she had mastered herself. She had a true, tested, purified relationship with Jesus before she had any public ministry. This is not to say that she had attained perfection - reading further about her life testifies against that. Yet her first priority was to please God, and to do everything "for Jesus, and for souls."
I've spent a lot of time asking myself, "Does this please Jesus?" today. I've backtracked a lot, too, after words have been said, attitudes have been displayed, and actions portrayed, thinking, "What I just did definitely did not please Jesus." I'm challenging myself to ask if it would please Jesus BEFORE I do an action or say a word.
This is so simple, yet SO hard. I live a life mostly devoted to pleasing Cassie, not Jesus. Sure, there are shining moments, isolated incidents when Jesus is pleased. But I'm sad to say that mostly, I live for my personal comfort and the conservation of my pride. Yet, this must go if Jesus is to be pleased.
A verse that was read at our Good Friday service is haunting me...
What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ (Phil 3:8)
Everything is rubbish compared to the richness of knowing Jesus, of living with Him daily, of having unbroken fellowship with Him. Everything that's not like Him MUST go. There's no room for anything that doesn't please Him.
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